Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Blog Post #2

There is a character in my book that I hate. His name is Hugo and he is a member of the Nazi party and is also serves in the SS. The reason that I do not like this character is because he goes out one night after a Nazi was murdered by a Jew and "synagogues are burned down or nearly demolished. Jewish shops, stores, businesses,and private homes ransacked and destoryed. Jews arrested and trucked away." The night that this happened, Hugo was out all night and did not come home until the morning. Obviously he was out doing all of these awful things to the Jewish community. If he found $100 on the ground he would without a doubt take it and keep it for himself and no one else.

This is a picture of a Nazi SS officer hat. This relates to my reading because the night that Hugo is out, he puts on this SS hat and destroys the Jewish community. Also, when the main character Helmuth goes to the police station with his friend Rudi to help solve crimes, they see four SS men walking out with files in their hands obviously going to solve some cases.