Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Blog Post #4

"A balding man with strands of dark hair combed carefully across his head sits behind another wooden desk polished to a sheen that reflects the glow of the lamp. With his white shirt and red bow tie, Inspector Becker looks more like a banker than an inspector. He sets a green folder flat on the best blotter, motions to a pair or dark leather chairs. The boys sit, and Becker leans back. He thrums the tips of this fingers together, smiles thinly, and says, 'So you boys are here to do your duty as citizens?'" This passage enhances my reading experience because it explains the scene in a lot of detail and I can put myself into the scene. It paints a good picture in my mind.

If my main character was in the world today he would not be the same person that he is in the book. This is because he would not have to deal with an unstable government and he would not need to fear the authority as much as he had to fear Hitler and the Nazis. He would lead a nice peaceful life in America like any other kid his age. With what is in store for out future, Helmuth would not really worry. There is nothing that he could do to stop anything from happening because he is only a very young boy.


  1. Great example of setting. I get a good idea of what is happening in this scene.
